This is it. The first blog post. I have been putting this off for so long, telling myself I'm not ready, that I don't have anything to say yet. At university I'm surrounded by people with more credentials, by people who are confident in their knowledge. Whereas the more I learn, the more I realise there is to know. It's the scary thing about being a student. My current conundrum is when do I get to start calling myself a Nutritionist? The word is not protected by law, anyone (including you) can call yourself a Nutritionist right now. No study needed! I already know more about the human body than a 'Certified Health Coach.' I have surpassed most of the teachings contained in an Advanced Diploma... Ah, who am I kidding? I believe the term SHOULD be protected. I believe that's why we trust Dentists with our chompers, not 'toothologists' working from their bathroom at home. Nutrition should be treated the same way. Get your degree, ...